Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Shop update - new journal page

It still feels so very brand new, adding a new item to my little shop.  Now there are two journal pages for sale there.

I've just added this new page in each of its usual variations.  It includes prompts about looking ahead and looking back, a to-do list with a loving touch, and the ever-present lightning round, which asks, among other things, snowflake or ray of sunshine?

There's also a new quote by Robert J. Flaherty that I absolutely adore . . .
There's a saying among prospectors:  'Go out looking for one thing, and that's all you'll ever find.'

Mr. Flaherty's dad was a prospector and so was he before becoming a filmmaker, so I guess he'd know!

Even though it's not quite how he might have meant it, I think I'll spend the rest of this holiday season looking for joy and happiness and I wish the same for you!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A cover page -- finally

Update: The journal page in this post is no longer available for download. For a selection of free, printable journal pages, please visit my Printable Journal Pages collection.


It feels like another piece of the puzzle.  Another step toward what these journal pages might become.  And I have you to thank -- you, who have emailed and commented, very sweetly suggesting that I get a move on already and make a cover page for goodness sake, like, how hard could it be?

Okay, so nobody worded it quite that way, but I often wondered myself, what was the hold up?  Why the creative block where the cover was concerned?  And now that it's done, I can say that I quite enjoyed the process and feel quite happy and grateful to have had your gentle nudges in the right direction.  The only thing left now is the usual trepidation when posting a new piece of the puzzle . . .

I really, really hope you like it.

As always, you'll find the usual variety of downloads here (border-free and colour-free) and here (borderful and colour-free) and here (borderful and colourful).


P.S.  I also re-jigged the blog a little over the weekend.  If you have a sec, I'd love it if you'd stop by the home page and take a quick peek!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

One new journal page, two announcements and one update, but not in that order

Update: The journal pages in this post are no longer available for download. For a selection of free, printable journal pages, please visit my Printable Journal Pages collection.

Announcement No. 1 (with rambling preamble)

One question I am asked on a fairly frequent basis is whether there is a cover page hidden somewhere among the increasingly long list of journal-related posts on this blog.  I usually answer the question depending on how optimistic I feel.  If I'm feeling particularly optimistic I might mention that a cover page is definitely on my to-do list (which it is) and that it's only a matter of time before I get around to producing one.  If I'm feeling overwhelmed by life in general (my default state) I write instead a sadly garbled paragraph in which I mention the to-do list, but then add that the chance of ever getting that far along said list is exceedingly remote.  I never say never, out and out, just varying degrees of no and never.

Then, a few weeks ago, I received another very sweet email on the topic and I must have been feeling exceptionally optimistic that day because I committed to producing a cover page.  In the near future.  Like, by next week or so.  Ever since, I have wondered how, on earth, it's going to come together, but come together it will.  Possibly by next week.  Fingers crossed.

The Update

Thank you so much for your comments and well wishes for my daughter's surgery.  With a huge sigh of relief, I'm pleased to report that the surgery went really well and that she is recovering beautifully.

The New Journal Page

Today's page looks at a few of the things on your to-do list that are no big deal and one thing that, actually, come to think of it, is kind of a big deal . . .

There is also a bit of room to think about beginnings and endings and ongoings . . .

This is what most of the page looks like, with a blurry backdrop of bucketing-down rain . . .

And you'll find today's page here (without a border) and here (with a border, but no colour) and here (with a border and a splash of lovely colour).


Now on to that final announcement.

Announcement No. 2

Announcement No. 2 is actually a link.

To my new Etsy shop.


I did it.

And now I must exhale.

There's even a new shop banner and everything!

And things for sale.  There are also things for sale.  Well, there's only that one thing for sale right now, but if you know me at all, you know that I could perhaps best be described as tentative.

Here is a photo of my first page for sale:

And here is how I envision it working:

As I have said before, I have no plans to stop posting free printable journal pages here at Grace is Overrated.  I'd like to post them at the rate of about one per month, with about being the operative word here.  Sometimes more than once per month, sometimes less.  I'd also like to take a run at selling my work, tentatively.  So what I plan to do is post free pages here and add supplementary pages over at the shop.  I also have future plans to expand beyond single journal pages, but progress, while encouraging, is slow.

The pages for sale at the shop won't be posted here as free pages.  So, if you'd like the opportunity to add extra pages to your collection, then consider stopping by the shop, but if you'd rather just hang out with me here at the blog, that works too!

For today, I'm posting one page here and one there.  I hope you'll take a look at both!
