Friday, December 21, 2012

Thoughts and a new(ish) journal page

These are difficult days.  I've come to the conclusion that I don't know how to write about the horrible events in Newtown last week, but I feel the need to acknowledge the heartbreak.  It's a forever kind of heartbreak, perched upon a tall stack of previous heartbreaks.  My heart goes out to all of the families in Newtown, and beyond, who are suffering unfathomable loss.


There was snow on the ground this morning.  It's gone now, but it was nice to see a hint of white on top of green grass.  When I was a kid, it felt like all our Christmases were white.  Now -- not so much.  (Although I think it's snowing in other parts of Canada today.)  I love the snow.  I love the way a heavy snowfall mutes colour and noise.  For better or worse, it slows everything down to a crawl.  It gets in the way and makes it awfully difficult to be super-busy and efficient.  It would be nice to slow down a little, don't you think?

I wanted to post one last journal page before the end of the year, just in case you find a quiet moment or two to reflect.  If you've missed my last few posts, you might not know that I've been working on overhauling my journal pages.  The first two revamped pages are here and here.  Number three is ready to go.  As with the other new(ish) pages, some parts are exactly the same and other parts are brand new.  This is the colourful version . . .

. . . and this is the colour-it-yourself option:

If you'd like one for yourself, you'll find it here (colour-free) and here (colourful).

Friends, I wish you all a happy holiday season and happy new year.  See you again in 2013.
