
UPDATE: I've moved! Visit me at my new website: www.christiezimmer.com.

My name is Christie Zimmer and this is my blog. Thanks so much for stopping by!

My focus here at Adventures in Guided Journaling is the creation of hand-drawn guided journals, although I'm also prone to creative distractions including experiments in watercolour, photography, and fibre arts.

I absolutely love the ever-evolving sense of discovery that journaling offers. Creating (and keeping) guided journals connects me to the important things in life -- the people we share our lives with, the day-to-day events that become our adventures, the goals we set, the accomplishments we celebrate, and the challenges we overcome. Journaling reminds me to pay attention, to be curious and grateful and never stop marveling at how it all works.

I hope my guided journals can be a source of self-discovery for you, too -- a place to sort out a few of the things in your life that need sorting out, whatever those things might be.  I hope my journals will give you a tangible record, too, of all the good things -- the people, the places, the excitement, the accomplishments, the wonders -- that rush by on an ordinary day, that you might like to remember, if only you had somewhere super-quick and already halfway done to write it all down.

If you'd like to start your adventure in guided journaling, you'll find a colourful collection of my printable and paper journals, greeting cards, and stickers in my shop. I've also posted a selection of free printable journal pages and other goodies here.

If you'd like to get in touch or ask me a question, I'd love to chat.

Best wishes and happy journaling!