Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Awe and the October prompt

I spent the morning on flickr looking for photos inspired by the October prompt and your lists of things that leave you in awe.  Here is a tiny sampling . . .

the ocean . . . 

Photo by marix_sublime
spring renewal . . .

Photo by AlexRK
snowflakes . . .

Photo by nutmeg66
children, pregnancy, birth, love . . .

Photo by nettsu
eyes (direct quote: "knowing my body made eyeballs!") . . .

Photo by Michele Catania
starry nights . . .

Photo by kern.justin
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in my October prompt and giveaway.  I have now sent out all of the giveaway links, so if you left a comment and you haven't received an email from me, send me a quick note at christie (at) graceisoverrated (dot) com and I'll get those out to you.  Oh, and if you'd still like to participate, by all means, stop on by and leave your own list of awe!


  1. Amazing photos, inspiring. God is kind of awesome, isn't He?

  2. Thanks for the visual tour! Are you using code to insert these on the page? How did you get the polaroid-style shadow?


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