Monday, May 23, 2011

Not just another day at the office

It's a holiday Monday in our neck of the woods.

Nonetheless, we've been hard at work -- making friends with local critters . . . 

peeping in on unsuspecting caterpillars . . .

chasing bubbles . . .

baking cookies on a stick . . .

giving up on cookies on a stick . . .

and baking cookies not on a stick . . .

which taste just as good when decorated by a four year old . . .

Hope you're having a yummy day!


  1. Loving this post!! I'm so glad to see that there are still kids out there who can enjoy a snail and a caterpillar when they are NOT on a games console!

  2. Thanks, Lisbonlioness! It was a perfect day for outdoor exploration!

  3. Domestic ScribblesMay 24, 2011 at 5:40 PM

    What wonderful pictures of the snail and bubble chasing!

  4. Thanks, Scribbler! I love those two, too!


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