Tuesday, May 14, 2013


So, there I was last week, humming along, feeling like things were okay, thinking that everything was mostly under control. I may have even had a few daring moments of, "Oh yeah, I've got this." (You know, in reference to life and stuff.)

Then someone I admire offered a bit of unexpected, unsolicited advice. It caught me completely off guard and within about three minutes, I was second guessing my entire existence.

Since then, as the sting gradually fades, I've been thinking about how often I turn to journal writing as a way to sort through my insecurities. There is a helpful distance to be found in the act of turning worries into words and placing them on the page. Once there, I can contemplate them almost from a third person's point of view. I can walk away for awhile if I like. (They'll keep.) When I'm ready, I can think about how to move forward, from a place of perspective. I can get back to humming along with life (and stuff).


  1. You've really captured one of the reasons I like to journal and blog. Laying my life out on paper (or the computer screen) makes it much easier to observe and to gain perspective on.

    1. Hi Silverlotus - It really does make a difference!

  2. I agree. Plus, putting words on paper is a great way to "process" things. I'll find if I write something down, leave, and come back, it doesn't seem as big of a deal as it did at first. And I'm usually glad that I waited for the emotions to calm down instead of reacting immediately!!

    1. Hi Nicole - So true. Walking away for awhile to cool down is a great way to achieve perspective. :)

  3. I also agree ... I also journal and write things down to capture RIGHT then and there exactly how I'm feeling about it. Sometimes that is a beautiful thing to have as well (I have to admit I'm very curious about the advice you were given!)

    1. Hi Naomi - Right then and there - me too! Sometimes I forget the stuff that I'm sure I'll never forget. Writing it down is so important. (Not ready to talk about that advice yet. Maybe when I've had a little more time.)

  4. Hi Christie - I find that unsolicited advice often has much more to say about the "advisor" than it does me, the recipient.

    Sometimes it is something we need to hear . . . but sometimes it is not. I hope that the information finds a place to settle down so you can go right back to trucking along.

    I am eager to see some new things in your store (for selfish reasons) because I love them! I need to order more stickers for the journals I am making.

    1. Hi Madameplushbottom - I like that, that advice says more about the advisor. I'll keep that in mind. :) p.s. working on new things . . .


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