Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New journal pages in the shop

Yay! I made it past the middle and now there are five new journal pages in the shop! As always, I've made the pages available as a group and individually. Each page also includes a colourful and a colour-free version.

I hope you love them as much as I do. Here are the first two:
Next up on the to-do list is a set of pages made especially for kids. I can't wait to show them to you.

Until then, best wishes and happy journaling!


  1. Looking forward to your kid ones!

    1. Thanks so much, Jenna. Me, too! Working on them right now. :)

  2. You read my mind! These are so great I'm trying them out with my 10 yr old homeschooler, but I'd love to see the kid-focused pages you come up with!!

    1. Thanks, Kimberlie! I'm planning to post the kids pages in early September. Hope you'll stay tuned. :)


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