As promised, here's a new card to print:
If there's someone you'd like to connect with via pen and paper, download my printable how's-it-going card here.
While we're on the subject, I'm slowly, slowly working my way into connecting with friends electronically. It's tough for someone like me who -- tragically -- was born without the chit-chat gene. I have friends who can simultaneously tweet, chat on facebook, retweet, reply to emails, post to their blogs, talk on their cell phones and operate heavy machinery. Me? No chit-chat gene. Twitter and facebook give me heart palpitations. Ditto with commenting on strangers' blogs. Especially the many, many talented, artistic strangers around whose blogs I lurk. At this point, I still spend far too long thinking of clever replies to emails sent by friends containing cute kitty video clips from youtube. Sad, but true, I'm afraid.
just testing